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Politics from a Gen-X conservative

Introducing The Ministry Of Truth: “Sensitivity Readers”


There’s a new politically correct term floating around. “Sensitivity readers” or “sensitivity experts” (a title I use very loosely). What are those, you may ask? Allow me to sum it up as succinctly as possible. A “Sensitivity reader” (or “expert”) is a wanna-be writer who either a) didn’t have enough talent to write a book or b) tried to write a book and failed because, like reason ‘a’, they have...

To Jab, or Not to Jab, That is the Question


Disclaimer: The following exposition should not be construed as legitimate medical advice on whether or not to jab. These are my opinions and mine alone. You make up your own mind. You're a full-grown adult, after all. Hopefully.

Recently, a friend from Summerville, where I live, asked me, “How do you think Gen-Xers feel about ‘the jab?’”

Twitter is Still a Piece of Shit


My Gen-X Nothing Twitter account for this blog is in ‘Twitter Jail.’ Here’s why: The original story had something to do with our pitiful excuse for a White House Press Secretary. You know the one I mean, the one who got hired for being black and gay, just like most of President Houseplant’s administration. I lost the appeal. Apparently, metaphors comparing her lies to that...

NYT: “Short people” better for the planet.


Let me begin by saying that the New York Times is trash. The de facto editor is that nasty Nikole Hannah Jones, who claims her “1619 Project” is genuine history when it’s proven that it isn’t. The truth is, she is the worst kind of progressive leftist, and she hates white people, which is okay if one is on the left. You may or may not also recall the NYT previously profiled an advocate for...

Was it as good for you as it was for me?


I am Generation X.

I was born in 1971 and am a resident of Westminster, Maryland. Sarcasm is my first language. I am caustic, politically incorrect, and fiercely opinionated. I have no filter, and I don't do 'woke.' My pronouns are 'fuck around/find out.' I don't care about your truth or your feelings, if you're offended, or what anyone thinks about me.

Because of this, I have been accused of being a narcissist, a sociopath, and I don't care.

I have been playing piano since I was seven, writing novels since I was eleven, and computer programs since I was twenty-four. In recent years, I have been dabbling in photography and cinematography. Now I'm doing this blog not only to write my memoirs, but to rant about shit that bothers me because that's what I do. I don't censor, but I might tell you to fuck off if you annoy me. Which you probably will. Most people do.

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