Negative, ghost rider

To Jab, or Not to Jab, That is the Question

By Kev

Disclaimer: The following exposition should not be construed as legitimate medical advice on whether or not to jab. These are my opinions and mine alone. You make up your own mind. You’re a full-grown adult, after all. Hopefully.

Recently, a friend from Summerville, where I live, asked me, “How do you think Gen-Xers feel about ‘the jab?’”

By ‘jab,’ he meant the Covid ‘vaccine.’ Honestly, it shouldn’t be called that. Vaccine. It isn’t one by the strictest definition. Even Dr. Gaslighter, err, Fauci, admits they never did what Big Pharma claimed they did. They don’t stop infection. They don’t prevent infection spread. They don’t even make the symptom of Covid less severe, as my former brother-in-law could tell you.

All they seem to do is cause nasty side effects, including myocarditis and pericarditis. Which is bad. If you’re on Twitter, search the hashtag #DiedSuddenly, since the mainstream media won’t discuss it.

To answer the question, I can tell you how I feel about the jab. The short answer? Allow me to quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 87:


I’m comfortably certain had I taken it, I’d be dead or dying. I have comorbidities, and while Big Pharma advertised people with them should get the jab, they’re all slowly beginning to die for no reason. Even completely healthy people, athletes, are just dropping dead. That shit, not to put too fine a point on it, is fucking scary!

Thus, I remain a #PureBlood. I hear people are requesting unvaxxed blood. I wonder how much mine is worth to them. Cha-ching. Don’t judge; I need the money.

to jab or not to jab

I can’t speak to how other Gen-Xers see the jab, however. I don’t think the issue is generational. It’s split on party lines, mostly, which means it’s totally political. I could quickly identify those who leaned left during the lockdown and after. They were the ones always wearing masks. Alone in their car. Walking down the road. Idiots.

It’s the people who took the jab at the threat of losing their job that I truly and genuinely feel sorry for. I have friends and family who did. I fear for their health, considering everything that’s now coming out about how bad the vax actually is.

I caught Covid early on, at the beginning of February 2020, before any tests were available. It lasted for three weeks, one of which was so miserable that I was begging to die…and I fear death above all. My lungs were on fucking fire. I don’t know how high my fever got except to say when it finally broke, my sheets and comforter were soaking wet. While I lived, mostly, the real fun hadn’t yet begun.

The U.S. officially began our lockdown on March 15, 2020. The Ides of March (that’s the day Brutus killed Julius Caesar for those who don’t know your Roman history…or Shakespeare). No correlation or coincidence, I’m sure. I’d just begun a part-time gig at a home improvement chain when everything closed or went to curbside pickup. The government deemed certain businesses ‘essential.’ Home improvement stores apparently fell under that moniker. I get why. Contractors were still doing their jobs and needed access to materials. It didn’t take long for the public to use that loophole to make our lives a literal and figurative living hell.

Masks were optional at first. However, the sanitizing of every conceivable surface was of paramount importance. One of the first duties was thoroughly sanitizing each cart and passing it off to whoever wanted one. Then they implemented online ordering with curbside pickup. Management wasn’t prepared for that influx. Customers got angry and yelled at us. It was a miserable experience.

With everything non-essential shut down, people got bored. They’d then convene to places considered essential, even if they had absolutely no reason to be there. Home improvement stores were one of them. Hordes of people would show up just to buy fucking flowers. Some would wander the store, saying they were bored, had nothing to do, and were just ‘looking around.’ That would lead to worse behaviors, such as finding anything they’d ever purchased from that store and returning it for cash. I swear people would show up with years-old equipment they found on the side of the road, not originally bought from that chain, just to see how much money they could get for it.

Then the government began mandating how many people could be inside these stores at any given time, usually fifty percent of capacity, sometimes less. That’s when the lines to get inside began and often wrapped around the corner of the building. This was no short distance, I assure you. And boy, if they didn’t get in when they wanted or were forced to wait for up to half an hour, they got mean!

I was always so tired and exhausted. I thought it was because of the job’s demands and my general disdain for dealing with stupid people who verbally abused me for drawing breath. Then the toes on my right foot began to hurt. Enter the covid long hauler symptoms. It would be another three months of hell. The aching toes turned out to be what the doctors called ‘covid toe’ and killing it took some serious antibiotics. The infection just wouldn’t die. Walking became so painful I had to use a cane at work. Eventually, I had no choice but to take a leave of absence from that home improvement chain, which was fine with me. I wasn’t the only one who got hired right as the lockdown began and couldn’t take the abuse of an angry populace who made the Summerville location of that chain their personal playground.

Understand here that I’m a Type-2 diabetic. Any infection in my toes or feet is grave. If they’re not treated expeditiously, it could mean losing toes or a foot. Still, I worked through weeks of that pain as I didn’t want to go back home and do nothing but watch T.V. and hate what was happening because I knew it was all wrong. That was a poor decision. Pushing myself as hard as I did caused nerve damage that still causes pain if I’m on my feet for more than a few hours.

There was also constant fatigue and exhaustion. All I would do is sleep and sleep and then sleep some more. When I was awake, I was fighting not to sleep. It sucked. I was seriously depressed. I must’ve watched every episode of South Park at least three times while gaining extra weight because bored people eat even when they’re not hungry. I cut off from just about everyone and everything until the fall when restrictions finally loosened. Fortunately, I live in South Carolina, a red state, and our governor wasn’t fucking around.

Not long after I officially left the home improvement chain, masks became mandatory. Like most on the right, I refused to wear masks unless the doctor’s office required them. Even then, I wouldn’t wear it properly so I could, you know, breathe?

It’s funny now because the White House has finally admitted that masks did no good in stopping the spread of the ‘Rona. Cloth masks never worked. Many people didn’t wear them properly. Putting them on to enter a restaurant just to take them off to eat was fucking stupid and pointless, which I said from day one. The N-95 masks were the only ones that showed resistance, but they had to be worn properly to work and not removed.

Even wearing that N-95, it was impossible to breathe. This led to anxiety, which made breathing even more difficult. I would always pull it under my nose and hide in the back of the doctor’s waiting room. Or bring a drink so I could constantly remove the mask to sip water.

Dr. Robert Malone, the original ‘inventor’ of mRNA and DNA vaccines, had it right. He called what the government was doing to us ‘Mass Formation Psychosis.’ The whole thing was a psyop with Fauci at the top telling us what we could and couldn’t do. I never listened to that egomaniacal shrimp.

I don’t know how many times I had a blue-haired leftist yell at me I was going to kill her grandmother by not wearing a mask. Or some three-hundred-pound scooter-bound slob wearing a mask improperly accusing me of putting their health at risk. Look in the fucking mirror, Betha. You have far more pressing health issues to consider. Nonetheless, I was a horrible person for not thinking of others. I deserved to catch covid and die.

And that’s the left for you.

But if one of them was on their way to a riot or loot over Saint Floyd of Fentanyl? No mask necessary. Somehow the virus was smart enough not to infect those people. Much the same way it couldn’t touch one while sitting at a restaurant table, but once they stood to leave? Watch out! The ‘Rona will getcha!

That’s when I knew the masking was a farce and pure government control.

Still, I can’t imagine the hell I’d be in today if I’d got any of the jabs. When Covid first hit the news, I said I wanted to get it quickly and over with, placing my trust in my immune system. I’m a child of the fucking 70s and 80s, for chrissakes! I got my immunity by drinking warm water from dirty garden hoses or getting so dirty that spraying me with water created mud. I ate wild raspberries and honeysuckles all summer. I couldn’t tell you the number of bugs I swallowed biking up and down the road where I grew up. Probably enough to ensure protein would never be an issue.

Sometimes for fun in the years before China released covid (yes, I believe they did), I’d eat a jalapeno cheddar sausage from RaceTrac with cheese, chili, onions, and extra jalapenos to give my immune system a stress test. It would always pass with varying degrees of success. Devil Dogs, I called them. They made excellent hangover food, too.

The more data that comes out about the mRNA vaccines and what they actually do to healthy people, is fucking frightening. I would bore you with the science and turn this post into a dissertation. If you want to read the data and the analysis of it, read Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough on Twitter or Substack. Two men who were removed from Twitter for ‘misinformation’ before Elon Musk took over.

What did that tell me? They were closer to the truth than not, and the government silenced them across Twitter and other social media. Now the truth is coming out via the Twitter Files, and it should scare the hell out of you. All of this happened under President Houseplant and the democrats. They’re not on your side. They wanted to force us to take their experimental poison. Now, I’m not going off on some Alex Jones conspiracy rant and suggest they tried to thin out the herd, much like Soros would prefer, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it ain’t a fucking horse.

Covid will eventually mutate into another common cold (by definition, a coronavirus). It’ll be with us forever, or at least until humanity wipes itself out. Which we will. So, eat healthily, take your vitamins, exercise, and you won’t need the fucking jab.

It’s said that brainwashing reduces the subjects’ ability to think critically or independently, introduces new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, and changes their attitudes, values, and beliefs. They start with something small. By the end, you wonder why you even believed as you once did. Then they move on to bigger things.

Two weeks to slow the spread. We’re in this together. It’s okay not to be okay. How quickly did they convince almost everyone it was the right thing to do when it’s now proven lockdowns made no difference? It made things worse. We went from two weeks to two months very quickly. Then the masks.

Even now, I see people still wearing them and not even correctly. Those poor bastards and their weak minds have been forever brainwashed. I still scoff and roll my eyes if I walk by one of them.

Branch Covidians.



Still, I don’t wish them death from the jab, even if they wished me death from covid for not complying with masks or the vax. If anything, I pity them. We were right. They were wrong.

Too bad it’s too little too late.

About the author


I am Generation X.

I was born in 1971 and am a resident of Westminster, Maryland. Sarcasm is my first language. I am caustic, politically incorrect, and fiercely opinionated. I have no filter, and I don't do 'woke.' My pronouns are 'fuck around/find out.' I don't care about your truth or your feelings, if you're offended, or what anyone thinks about me.


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By Kev
What an excellent day for an exorcism.


I am Generation X.

I was born in 1971 and am a resident of Westminster, Maryland. Sarcasm is my first language. I am caustic, politically incorrect, and fiercely opinionated. I have no filter, and I don't do 'woke.' My pronouns are 'fuck around/find out.' I don't care about your truth or your feelings, if you're offended, or what anyone thinks about me.

Because of this, I have been accused of being a narcissist, a sociopath, and I don't care.

I have been playing piano since I was seven, writing novels since I was eleven, and computer programs since I was twenty-four. In recent years, I have been dabbling in photography and cinematography. Now I'm doing this blog not only to write my memoirs, but to rant about shit that bothers me because that's what I do. I don't censor, but I might tell you to fuck off if you annoy me. Which you probably will. Most people do.

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