My Gen-X Nothing Twitter account for this blog is in ‘Twitter Jail.’
Here’s why:
The original story had something to do with our pitiful excuse for a White House Press Secretary. You know the one I mean, the one who got hired for being black and gay, just like most of President Houseplant’s administration. I lost the appeal. Apparently, metaphors comparing her lies to that of a cheap sex worker are considered hate speech. I guess there are still some blue-haired Marxist Misfits at Twitter abusing their power.
Multiple tweets to Elon Musk went ignored, as predicted. And why not? I’m no one famous or noteworthy. A Gen-X nothing, you might say. People like me to people like Elon Musk mean nothing.
But not even a day before, I turned some asshole in for making a very anti-Semitic statement regarding Jews, money, and media control. This was Twitter’s reply:
Well, there it is. Twitter is still a piece of shit. Marxist Misfits can still spew their hate, but a conservative like me can’t use a whore metaphor to describe the gay, black press secretary’s lies.
In the interim, you can still watch me destroy lesser people on my personal Twitter account.