There can be only one.


Only the best Gen-X memes

Atari Adventure


Ah, Yordle, the yellow dragon. While not the most challenging dragon out of the three in Atari Adventure, he was the most obnoxious. What an epic pain in the ass he was. Atari released Adventure in 1980 and speaking for myself, I was damned grateful to have it. We were a lower-income family then, and having an Atari was a gift, even if my sister and I, as kids, didn’t fully understand that at the...

Back in My Day…


I saw this “Back in my day” meme/comic (credit to Wrong Hands) in one of the many Facebook Gen-X groups I frequent. I figure it this way: if it makes me smile, it might be worth sharing. After some consideration, I thought this meme might not necessarily apply to Gen-Xers. As such, I offered the following comment. The Blizzard: Gen-Xers would build some epic forts in the snow and...

Fuck Around and Find Out


Those are my pronouns, since pronouns are, apparently, a requirement. It’s some dumb-ass Gen-Z thing they thought was a good idea to promote DiVeRsiTy, eQuItY, aNd iNcLuSiOn. So, pick one of fifty fucking billion genders and go. Or change them daily as a lot of these pink-haired brats do. Just as long as you have them. “Hold on, Kev? Did you just get political in one of your first posts?“...

It's a moral imperative!


I am Generation X.

I was born in 1971 and am a resident of Westminster, Maryland. Sarcasm is my first language. I am caustic, politically incorrect, and fiercely opinionated. I have no filter, and I don't do 'woke.' My pronouns are 'fuck around/find out.' I don't care about your truth or your feelings, if you're offended, or what anyone thinks about me.

Because of this, I have been accused of being a narcissist, a sociopath, and I don't care.

I have been playing piano since I was seven, writing novels since I was eleven, and computer programs since I was twenty-four. In recent years, I have been dabbling in photography and cinematography. Now I'm doing this blog not only to write my memoirs, but to rant about shit that bothers me because that's what I do. I don't censor, but I might tell you to fuck off if you annoy me. Which you probably will. Most people do.

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